I cannot count the times in a week that Patrick and I are stopped and asked how we lost all this weight. So many people think that we had some sort of weight loss surgery or took some super diet pills or drops. This transformation has been relatively easy, it really has, and it can be just as easy for you. It just depends on how much you really WANT to change. We don't call what we do a "diet" we call it a "lifestyle change".
In January of 2011, the church that we attend, Covenant Life Center started a 21 day Daniel Fast to start our year. For those that are not familiar with this fast, many celebrity fitness trainers use it as a "21 day cleanse" and it is on thousands of websites. It is a 21 day biblical fast from all things that your body doesn't need.
The fast goes like this:
Eat Vegetables! All veggies are delicious. Especially sauteed in olive oil with herb seasoning.
Eat Fruit! Fruit is a natural energy source they increase your metabolism and burn fat. An apple a day really can keep the doctor away.
Eat Grains! This includes whole wheat, brown rice, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn. Make sure that your popcorn is butter less! Kettle corn is delicious!
Nuts and Seeds! These make great snacks. Get some mixed nuts without salt and snack away. All nuts and seeds are allowed!
Legumes! This includes but is not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans and white beans.
NO bread. Bread is like glue in your body, it makes you slow, bloated and sleepy. Therefore, bread is bad. However, not all "bread" is bad for you. During the fast you can have whole wheat tortillas (I recommend the fresh ones from HEB), pita bread and flat bread. It is the "stuff" that is added into bread that makes it so bad for you. After the fast stick to whole grain or whole wheat bread, find the brands low in calories and carbs.
NO sugar. It is a scientific fact that cancer feeds off of sugar! Sugar makes you gain weight at a rapid speed, leads to diabetes and a slew of other health issues. Therefore, sugar is bad. However, natural foods have sugar. Apples are very high in sugar, but it is a natural sugar. Not the bag of white crystals that we load into our tea to get our sweet on. The human body needs sugar, natural sugar, found in natural foods. During the fast, no sugar....period! You can use Agave Nectar, but nothing else. Splenda, Stevia, Sweet and Low, Equal and all the other "sugar substitutes" have very dangerous ingredients that actually do more harm to your body that sugar. After the fast, get your sweet from honey, raw sugar or learn to live without it.
NO meat. Yes meat is somewhat good for you, but it also slows your digestive system down and makes you sluggish. Red meat, not great for you in many studies it has actually been linked to cancer. Pork, is not a healthy meat, it tends to carry lots of problems with it and the fact that pigs are just nasty critters should tell you something. Poultry, if your going to eat meat this is the way to go, white....lean....and clean. Fish is ultimately the best "meat" to eat. During the fast you are abstaining from meat to give your body a rest from the wear and tear that meat causes to your digestive tract. After the fast, eat lean meat! I totally recommend fish a couple of times a week and only lean meats after that.
No dairy. The fact that milk is good or bad for you seems to be a huge debate with nutritionists, doctors and trainers. I was taught that when I was training that milk was fatty and not all that great for you, many nutritionists agree. However, on the flip side, many doctors say that its great for you. During the fast you can have Almond milk, Soy milk or Coconut milk. In my house we are totally addicted to Vanilla Almond Milk, it is the best and it has the sweetest flavor. After the fast, stick to skim milk, one of the before mentioned milks or just try some until you find whats right for you.
No processed foods. If you cant read it, you cant eat it. Beans are beans to me. My papa was the king of pinto beans and they tasted terrific. But here's the key, he bought whole packaged beans, placed them in water and seasoned them with herbs and spices. All things I can spell and pronounce. Yet, standing in HEB, I read the back of a Bush's Baked Beans can and see ten ingredients I cant pronounce and when I look them up its man made fillers that keep the food from rotting in the can. That is gross to me. Here's the deal!!!!!! Make your food, your great grandparents didn't have a Super Wal-mart, they made their food and probably lived to be 90 plus years old. Any trainer, nutritionist or physician will tell you the same. Read the labels. I found a brand of pinto beans that contained.....pinto beans, water, garlic, salt and pepper. I have to say, those beans were yummy. During the fast, no processed foods at all. After the fast, I hope that you have made it a habit not to eat the processed foods and don't revert!
No Deep Fried Foods. Deep fried food is linked to obesity, heart disease and a slew of other issues. Stay way from drenching your food in vegetable oil. Instead, lightly coat your skillet with extra vigin olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil or sesame oil. There is no need to use oil to kill your food.
Beverages. No soda, period. Many studies have shown that drinking soda on a regular basis leads to bone weakening and tooth decay. There are many other health problems that are associated with drinking soda, and changing to diet soda is not any better. It is clinically proven that the artificial sweeteners in diet soda are linked to cancer, depression, and actually increase hunger. Bottom line. Water is the best thing you can drink. I drink tea, either lightly sweetened or unsweet. I also drink black coffee, occasionally rewarding myself with flavored creamer.
No fats. This includes butter, margarine, lard and foods that are high in fat.
I know that all of this sounds insane, but it is easy. Just live by this rule of thumb.....if what you are eating is man made then odds are it is not good for you....if what you are eating was created by God and man has little to do with it then it is great for you.
We don't want you to take our word for anything, research it yourself. Look into what your eating. Google the ingredients on the packages of food in your pantry, I guarantee you that your eyes will open to what your feeding your family.
I encourage you to change your lifestyle, to take the 21 fast as a challenge....be open to how a healthy lifestyle can change your need for a diet for the rest of your life. Please email me with any questions regarding the fast and I will gladly answer them.
God Bless!
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